To compete in MIST (Muslim Interscholastic Tournament), students must be:

1. A high school student (private, public, home school)

2. Of any faith.

MIST is a great educational opportunity for anyone who is interested in broadening their socio-environmental knowledge. Our topics and workshops are geared towards developing critical thinking skills while promoting a greater understanding of Islam. At the same time, most competitions surround talents in writing, art, debate, math, research, and so much more - everyone can get involved! MIST encourages people of all different faiths and backgrounds to be a part of their high school MIST team.

3. No previous Islamic knowledge required.

MIST is not only for the brainiacs, but also for the average joe’s who have little or no information about Islam or Muslims but are willing to learn. All you need to have is a desire to increase your knowledge, develop your talents, exercise your creativity, and have fun! Through our invigorating competitions and engaging workshops, we hope to make learning about Islam and Muslims both easy and fun for everyone!

4. Furthermore, MIST is for high school students who:

  • Want to reach out to more Muslims in their high school.

  • Are eager to unite the different “groups” of Muslims/Non-Muslims throughout their high school and community.

  • Want to start an Islamic educational club (or MSA) in their school and want to attract more members.

  • Are interested in taking part in regional and national tournaments as they run into Muslims from different schools and cities (and sometimes, states) at those events.

  • Want an opportunity to further understand both their religion as well as increase their social knowledge through workshops, seminars, and lectures.

  • Would like to attract both Muslim students who are out of touch with Muslim events as well as Non-Muslim students who do not even know about them.



 Each team MUST have a team coach. A coach can be anyone who is at least 21 years of age or older and either a(n):

  • A teacher from the high school of the participants.

  • Parent of one of the team’s participants.

  • Sibling of one of the team's participants.

  • A community organizer from the community of the participants.

  • Administrator from the high school of the participants.

Individuals over 18 and under 21 may register as assistant coaches. They cannot serve in a coach capacity as a chaperone for the team.



Absolutely anybody! Even if you are eligible to be a competitor and just want to attend MIST for the interactive workshops, friendly environment, or great friends, you can register as a Guest and still get all the perks of MIST without the stress of the competitions.

Guests have the option of either affiliating with a team or joining MIST through “General Admission.” However, there are benefits for affiliating with a team:

  • Affiliated guests get to help their team with spirit points by attending workshops and participating in extra credit activities throughout MIST weekend.

  • Affiliated guests who are under the age of 18 are not required to have their parent/guardian with them during MIST. They can simply fall under the supervision of their official team Coach(es).